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IAIN Kediri Newsroom – Akan diakhiri pada Kamis (27/05/2021), penyelenggaraan UM-PTKIN (Ujian Masuk Perguruan Tinggi Keagamaan Islam Negeri) lewat SSE (Sistem Seleksi Elektronik) di IAIN Kediri mendapatkan apresiasi dari berbagai pihak.

Apresiasi tersebut disampaikan langsung oleh Staf Khusus Menteri Agama, Abdul Rochman, beserta Kasubdit Sarana, Prasarana dan Kemahasiswaan, Ruchman Basori, dan Perwakilan Kantor Kementerian Agama Kota Kediri, saat melakukan monitoring di Laboratorium Lantai Dua TIPD (Teknologi Informasi dan Pangkalan Data) IAIN Kediri, Selasa (25/05/2021) siang.

“Penyelenggaraan (UM-PTKIN di IAIN Kediri) sudah baik, ke depan perlu dikembangkan lagi sebagai best practice untuk Perguruan Tinggi Keagamaan Negeri di luar binaan Ditjen Pendidikan Islam,” ujar Staf Khusus Menteri Agama, Abdul Rochman.

“Sistem aplikasi yang digunakan, kapasitas dan kesiapan pengawas, sampai pada tata ruang pengawasan dan pemantauan, sudah baik,” imbuhnya.

Staf Khusus Menteri Agama turut menyampaikan, program utama dari Kementerian Agama saat ini, di antaranya adalah penguatan moderasi beragama, transformasi digital, revitalisasi KUA (Kantor Urusan Agama), Cyber Islamic University, kemandirian pesantren, serta bidang religiosity index.

Sementara, Kasubdit Sarana, Prasarana dan Kemahasiswaan, Ruchman Basori, memberikan apresiasi terkait sarana dan prasarana yang digunakan.

“Alhamdulillah, kegiatan UM-PTKIN di IAIN Kediri tahun ini berjalan lancar. Peralatan yang digunakan relatif baik, tidak ada kendala yang berarti. Mudah-mudahan kelancaran ini juga terjadi pada para pesertanya,” ucap Ruchman Basori.

Turut Hadir melaksanakan pemantauan UM-PTKIN di IAIN Kediri, Kepala Biro AUAK ,Achmad Heru Achadi Heri, serta beberapa pejabat di lingkungan IAIN Kediri.

Sumber : Humas IAIN Kediri

Penulis  : Andi Sebastian

Editor     : Ropingi el Ishaq


State Islamic Institute of Kediri Newsroom – The Islamic State Higher Education Entrance Examination (Ujian Masuk Perguruan Tinggi Keagamaan Islam Negeri or UM-PTKIN) in the State Islamic Institute of Kediri that would end on Thursday (27/05/2021) through the use of electronic selection system (Sistem Seleksi Elektronik or SSE) was appreciated by many.

The appreciation was directly delivered by the Special Staff of Religious Affairs Minister, Abdul Rochman, together with the Sub Directorate Head of Facilities, Infrastructure, and Student Affairs, Ruchman Basori, and the representatives from the Ministry of Religious Affairs Office of Kediri City while monitoring in the Second Floor Laboratory of Information and Technology and Data Base (Teknologi Informasi dan Pangkalan Data or TIPD) of State Islamic Institute of Kediri, on Tuesday (25/05/2021) afternoon.

“The Islamic State Higher Education Entrance Examination in the State Islamic Institute of Kediri runs well. In the near future it needs to be developed as the best practice for State Islamic Higher Education outside the assistance of Directorate General of Islamic Education,” said the Special Staff of Religious Affairs Minister, Abdul Rochman.

“The application system that is used, the capacity and readiness of supervisors, up to the spatial planning of supervision and monitoring are good already,” added him.

The Special Staff of the Religious Affairs Minister also delivered that the current main program from the Ministry of Religious Affairs, among which, were the reinforcement of religious moderation, digital transformation, revitalization of Religious Affairs Office, Cyber Islamic University, Islamic boarding school autonomy, as well as index religiosity.

Meanwhile, the Sub Directorate Head of Facilities, Infrastructure, and Student Affairs, Ruchman Basori, appreciated the facilities and the infrastructures that were used.

“Alhamdulillah, the Islamic State Higher Education Entrance Examination in the State Islamic Institute of Kediri runs smoothly. The tools used are relatively good, there was no significant obstacle. We hope that this also happens to the participants,” expressed Ruchman Basori.

Those who also attended the monitoring of the Islamic State Higher Education Entrance Examination in the State Islamic Institute of Kediri were the Bureau Head of General Administration, Academic, and Student Affairs, Achmad Heru Achadi Heri, and some officers of the State Islamic Institute of Kediri.

Source       : Public Relations of the State Islamic Institute of Kediri

Writer         : Andi Sebastian

Editor         : Ropingi el Ishaq

Translator : Zuhrufi Latifah