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IAIN Kediri Newsroom – Diadakan selama dua hari pada Rabu sampai Kamis (17-18/02/2020), Program Studi Tadris Matematika Fakultas Tarbiyah mengadakan Asesmen Lapangan secara daring.

Bertempat di ruang pertemuan Fakultas Tarbiyah, tim asesor dari Badan Akreditasi Nasional Perguruan Tinggi (BAN-PT), Budi Waluya dari Universitas Negeri Semarang dan Epha Diana Supandi dari UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta menerapkan sembilan kriteria sebagai acuan akreditasi kali ini.

“Ini (Asesmen Lapangan) merupakan kali pertama di IAIN Kediri menggunakan sembilan kriteria. Yang sebelumnya itu selama ini menggunakan tujuh standar. Tentu titik tekannya berbeda,” ucap Dekan Fakultas Tarbiyah IAIN Kediri Ali Anwar saat ditemui disela-sela kegiatan, Kamis (18/02/2020).

“Saya sendiri berharap Asesmen Lapangan ini dapat mendorong seluruh sistem yang ada di IAIN Kediri terintegrasi dengan baik, demi kemajuan lembaga,” imbuhnya.
Pada proses akreditasi BAN-PT menerapkan sembilan kriteria, meliputi:

  1. Visi, Misi, Tujuan dan Strategi
  2. Tata Pamong, Tata Kelola, dan Kerja Sama
  3. Mahasiswa
  4. Sumber Daya Manusia
  5. Keuangan, Sarana dan Prasarana
  6. Pendidikan
  7. Penelitian
  8. Pengabdian terhadap Masyarakat,
  9. Uraian dan Capaian Tridharma

Menutup kegiatan Asesmen Lapangan, Guru Besar Universitas Negeri Semarang, Budi Waluya menyampaikan sebagai lembaga penyelenggara pendidikan diperlukan sinergi yang kuat.

“Diperlukan adanya keselarasan yang eksplisit, harus punya target. Gugus Penjamin Mutu harus juga merancang workshop-workshop. Kampus Merdeka yang digagas menteri merupakan kesempatan,” tuturnya.

Sumber: Humas IAIN Kediri
Penulis: Andi Sebastian
Editor: Ropingi el Ishaq


State Islamic Institute of Kediri Newsroom – The Mathematics Education Study Program of Faculty of Islamic Education held an online field assessment for two days on Wednesday and Thursday (17-18/02/2020).

Located at the Faculty of Education meeting room, the assessor team from the National Accreditation Agency for Higher Education, Budi Waluya from Semarang State University and Epha Diana Supandi from Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta State Islamic University implemented nine criteria as the accreditation reference this time.

“This (field assessment) is the first time we apply nine criteria at the State Islamic Institute of Kediri. Previously we used seven standards. The stress point is surely different,” said the Faculty of Islamic Education Dean of State Islamic Institute of Kediri Ali Anwar in between the meeting on Thursday (18/02/2020).

“I hope that the field assessment can stimulate all systems at the State Islamic Institute of Kediri to be well integrated for the advancement of the institution,” he added.

In the accreditation process, the National Accreditation Agency for Higher Education applied nine criteria as follow:

  1. Vision, mission, goals, and strategy
  2. Governance system, corporate governance, and cooperation
  3. Students
  4. Human resources
  5. Finance, facilities, and infrastructure
  6. Education
  7. Research
  8. Outreach program
  9. Description and achievement of the Three Pillars

Closing the field assessment activity, The Professor of State University of Semarang, Budi Waluya delivered that an educational institution needs strong synergy.

“There needs to be an explicit conformity, and a target is a must. Quality Assurance Group must design some workshops, too. Independent Campus that is initiated by the minister is a chance,” he uttered.

Source: Public Relations of State Islamic Institute of Kediri
Writer: Andi Sebastian
Editor: Ropingi el Ishaq