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IAIN Kediri Newsroom — IAIN Kediri menyelenggarakan Ujian Computer-Based Test (CBT) Jalur Mandiri secara luring mulai Hari Senin ini (21/6/2021) di Laboratorium TIPD IAIN Kediri. Ujian CBT jalur mandiri ini akan dilaksanakan sampai 14 Juli 2021. Sementara pendaftaran jalur mandiri IAIN Kediri tetap dilaksanakan secara daring sejak tanggal 1 Juni 2021 dan masih berlangsung hingga 10 Juli 2021.

Ujian CBT ini dibagi menjadi tiga sesi dalam setiap harinya. Setiap sesi diikuti oleh tiga puluh peserta yang terbagi dalam dua ruang ujian. Peserta ujian mandiri ini berasal dari dalam dan luar Provinsi Jawa Timur, serta luar pulau Jawa.

Sekretaris Panitia Pelaksana Ujian Mandiri IAIN Kediri, Husnu Rofik, mengatakan bahwa pada tahun ini jurusan yang banyak diminati oleh mahasiswa tersebar di setiap fakultas. “Prodi yang tetap diminati itu di (Fakultas) Tarbiyah. Kalau di FEBI (Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam) itu ada Ekonomi Syariah, Perbankan Syariah. Di (Fakultas) Ushuluddin itu ada Psikologi dan Komunikasi. Kalau di Syariah itu Hukum Tata Negara. Itu prodi baru tapi peminatnya lumayan banyak,” ungkap Husnu Rofik.

Ujian Jalur Mandiri ini dilaksanakan secara luring, berbeda dengan dua ujian masuk sebelumnya yaitu SPAN-PTKIN dan UM-PTKIN yang dilaksanakan secara daring. Namun demikian, Panitia Pelaksana Ujian menerapkan protokol kesehatan secara ketat. Peserta wajib memakai masker selama di area kampus dan ruang ujian, dilakukan pengecekan suhu tubuh dan penggunaan hand sanitizer sebelum memasuki ruangan.

Sumber: HUMAS IAIN Kediri

Penulis: Zuhrufi Latifah

Editor: Ropingi el Ishaq


State Islamic Institute of Kediri Newsroom – State Islamic Institute of Kediri held a computer-based test (CBT) of independent admission pathway through offline system starting this Monday (21/6/2021) at the Laboratory of Information Technology and Database of the State Islamic Institute of Kediri. The computer-based test of independent admission pathway will be held until 14 July 2021. Meanwhile, the registration for independent admission pathway of the State Islamic Institute of Kediri has been done online since 1 June 2021 and is still on going until 10 July 2021.

The CBT is divided into three session each day. Each session is for thirty registrants that are divided into two examination rooms. The examinees of independent admission pathway come from both inside and outside East Java Province as well as outside Java.

The committee secretary of independent admission pathway examination of the State Islamic Institute of Kediri, Husnu Rofik, said that this year the majors that attracted many students are spread in each faculty. “The study programs that mostly attract the students are in the Faculty of Tarbiyah. In the Faculty of Economy and Islamic Business there are Sharia Economy, Sharia Banking. In the Faculty of Usul al-Din there are Psychology and Communication. While in Sharia there is Constitutional Law. It is a new study program but there are quite many that registered for it,” expressed Husnu Rofik.

The independent admission pathway examination was done offline, which is different from the previous admission tests which were SPAN-PTKIN and UM-PTKIN that were held online. However, the committee of independent admission pathway examination implements a strict health protocol. The examinees are required to wear masks in the campus area and the examination room. In addition, body temperature check and the use of hand sanitizer before entering the room were also done.

Source: Public Relation of State Islamic Institute of Kediri

Writer and Translator: Zuhrufi Latifah

Editor: Ropingi el Ishaq