IAIN Kediri Newsroom – Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Kediri melalui Prodi Komunikasi Penyiaran Islam (KPI) bersama Persatuan Wartawan Indonesia (PWI) Kediri menggelar Focus Group Discussion (FGD) di Kantor PWI Kediri, Jalan Mayor Bismo Nomor 37A Kediri, Selasa, (22/6). FGD mengusung tema Sinergitas Akademisi dan Praktisi, Dalam Membangun Pengelolaan Bisnis Media di tengah Pergeseran Teknologi Komunikasi.
Dekan Fakultas Ushuluddin dan Dakwah IAIN Kediri, Moh Asror Yusuf mengatakan kegiatan FGD yang dilaksanakan merupakan bagian dari upaya perguruan tinggi untuk mendekatkan diri dengan tantangan dunia industri media yang berkembang sangat pesat. Misalnya mengenai fenomena pergeseran konsumsi informasi masyarakat dari media konvensional ke media sosial.
“Harapannya, para dosen dan mahasiswa dapat berkolaborasi bersama praktisi media untuk mengkaji tantangan kehadiran media sosial ini. Bukan saja merumuskan formulasi tatanan keseimbangan baru pasca kehadiran media sosial namun juga memprediksi tren konsumsi media ke depan juga harus mulai didiskusikan secara serius,” kata Asror saat memberi sambutan.
Ketua PWI Kediri, Bambang Iswahyoedhi, menyambut baik niat kolaborasi IAIN Kediri. Pihaknya berharap kajian mengenai industri media tidak hanya berhenti pada acara FGD namun ada agenda lanjutan sehingga nantinya menghasilkan kesimpulan dan rekomendasi yang komprehensif. “Tentu ini menjadi langkah awal yang baik. Kami di PWI Kediri senang sekali mendapatkan partner diskusi dari kalangan akademisi,” ujarnya.
Dewan Pembina PWI Kediri, Didik Mashudi, menjelaskan perguruan tinggi harus bisa menangkap peluang dari tantangan industri media yang mengarah pada media sosial. Hal tersebut harus direspon dengan langkah cepat dan berani. Misalnya IAIN Kediri mendirikan Program Studi Media Sosial.
“Memang perwujudan sebuah Prodi bukan hal yang mudah. Namun, kita perlu mencoba hal ini karena ke depan, generasi muda membutuhkan bekal yang cukup untuk menghadapi perkembangan zaman dan teknologi informasi. Sebab, kita tahu saat ini media sosial sangat mudah diakses dan memunculkan banyak informasi, sedangkan media mainstream membutuhkan banyak waktu dan tahapan editing untuk memproduksi berbagai berita sebelum disuguhkan kepada publik,” terang Didik yang juga Jurnalis dan Harian Surya.
Dosen KPI IAIN Kediri, Prilani menambahkan pendirian Program Studi Media Sosial membutuhkan kajian dan pertimbangan yang matang. Namun menurutnya, hal tersebut bukanlah hal yang tidak mungkin karena bagian dari merespon tantangan zaman.
“Sebagai ilustrasi, dulu pernah ada pembentukan Prodi Event Organizer (EO). Namun ini sempat terkendala oleh Nomenklatur, jadi tidak mudah bisa terwujud. Padahal, kami sudah menyiapkan serangkaian Mata Kuliah tentang EO, misalnya Manajemen EO. Tapi ini belum kuat, untuk merealisasikan Prodi EO ini,”jelasnya.
CEO Andika FM, Rofik Huda memaparkan persaingan media massa, terutama radio sangatl ketat. Namun, pihaknya meyakini bahwa media radio masih akan diminati oleh publik sampai kapanpun. Salah satu strateginya adalah mengoptimalkan peran Citizen Journalism atau jurnalisme warga.
“Kami pilih Citizen Journalism karena dulu saat awal berdiri, tidak punya banyak wartawan. Namun sekarang dengan perkembangan media sosial yang cukup massif, kami sempat kewalahan dalam menampung banyak informasi yang diberikan publik. Alhamdulillah dari 100 persen informasi yang masuk, sekitar 99 persen bukan berita hoaks. Ini kenapa, karena unsur trust yang sudah diberikan oleh pendengar kepada Andika FM,” ujarnya.
Narasumber lain yang dihadirkan dalam FGD ini di antaranya Mega Wulandari (Founder Koran Memo), Danu Sukendro (Ketua AJI Kediri) dan Prima Ayu Ruzky Mahanani (Dosen KPI IAIN Kediri). Kegiatan juga ini diikuti perwakilan mahasiswa dari DEMA KPI IAIN Kediri, BEM Universitas Pawyatan Daha Kediri, BEM Universitas Brawijaya (UB) Kediri, BEM Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri, dan BEM Universitas Kadiri (Unik), BEM Universitas Islam Kadiri (Uniska).
Sumber: Humas IAIN Kediri
Penulis: Lukman Hakim
Editor: Ropingi El Ishaq
State Islamic Institute of Kediri Newsroom – The State Islamic Institute of Kediri through Islamic Communication and Broadcasting Major with Indonesian Journalists Association of Kediri held a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) in the Indonesian Journalists Association of Kediri Office, at Jalan Mayor Bismo Number 37A Kediri, on Tuesday (22/6). The FGD carried the theme of The Synergy of Academics and Practitioners, in Building the Media Business Management in the Middle of Communication Technology Shift.
The Dean of Usul al Din and Da’wa Faculty, Moh Asror Yusuf said that the FGD was part of the higher education efforts in getting close to media industry challenge that developed very fast. For example about the phenomena of public information consumption shift from conventional media to social media.
“We hope that the lecturers and the students could collaborate with the media practitioners to study the challenge of this social media existence. Not only to formulate the new balance order after the presence of social media but also to predict the trend of media consumption in the future which needs to be seriously discussed,” said Asror when giving the speech.
The Head of Indonesian Journalists Association of Kediri, Bambang Iswahyoedhi, welcomed the collaboration intention of the State Islamic Institute of Kediri. He hoped that the study of media industry did not only stop at this FGD but there is a next agenda so it will yield a comprehensive conclusion and recommendation. “Surely it is a good initial step. We in the Indonesian Journalists Association of Kediri are very glad to get a discussion partner from the academics,” he said.
The Supervisory Board of Indonesian Journalists Association of Kediri, Didik Mashudi, explained that higher education should be able to catch the opportunities from the media industry challenges that directed to social media. It should be quickly and bravely responded, for example the State Islamic Institute of Kediri might have a chance to open up the Program Study of Social Media.
“The establishment of a study program is not easy. However, we have to try because in the future the young generation would need enough supplies to face the development of the era and information technology. This is because the current social media are very easy to access and they provide ample information, while the mainstream media need more time and editing steps to produce news before being published to the public,” expressed Didik who was also the journalist of and Surya Daily.
The lecturer of Islamic Communication and Broadcasting Major of the State Islamic Institute of Kediri, Prilani added that the establishment of social media study program needs further study and careful consideration. However according to her it was not impossible because it might respond the challenge of the times.
“As an illustration, there was an establishment of Event Organizer (EO) Study Program. Unfortunately there was a problem in the nomenclature so it was not established. In fact, we already prepared the courses about EO, for example the EO Management. Again, it was not strong enough to realize the establishment of this EO study program,” she explained.
The CEO of Andika FM, Rofik Huda elaborated the competition of mass media, especially the radio which was very competitive. However, he believed that radio would always be able to attract the public. One of the strategies was by optimizing the role of Citizen Journalism.
“We choose Citizen Journalism because when first established, we did not have many journalists. Nevertheless, with the massive media social development at the moment, we felt overwhelmed in accommodating much information given by the public. Thanks to God from the 100 percent information we received, around 99 percent was not hoax. This is because the trust element that is given by the listeners to Andika FM,” told him.
Among other speakers presented at the FGD were Mega Wulandari (The Founder of Memo Newspaper), Danu Sukendro (The Head of Alliance of Independent Journalists of Kediri), and Prima Ayu Ruzky Mahanani (Lecturer of Islamic Communication and Broadcasting Major of the State Islamic Institute of Kediri). The event was also attended by the students’ representatives from Student Council of Islamic Communication and Broadcasting Major of the State Islamic Institute of Kediri, Student Executive Board of Universitas Pawyatan Daha Kediri, Student Executive Board of Universitas Brawijaya Kediri. Student Executive Board of Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri, Student Executive Board of Universitas Kadiri (UNIK), and Student Executive Board of Universitas Islam Kadiri.
Source: Public Relation of the State Islamic Institute of Kediri
Writer: Lukman Hakim
Editor: Ropingi El Ishaq
Translator: Zuhrufi Latifah