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IAIN Kediri Newsroom – Mahasiswi Program Studi Komunikasi dan Penyiaran Islam (KPI) IAIN Kediri, Silvi Nuryana, berhasil meraih juara I pada babak final MC National Competition di Universitas Jember pada akhir bulan Juni lalu (27/06/2021). Acara ini diselenggarakan oleh Unit Kegiatan Mahasiswa Protokol Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik (FISIP) Universitas Jember dan dilaksanakan secara virtual pada tanggal 4-27 Juni 2021.

Bertema “Build Your Confidence and be a Good Public Speaker”, acara yang diadakan secara daring ini diikuti oleh berbagai peserta dari berbagai perguruan tinggi di Indonesia. Silvi dinyatakan lolos pada babak final setelah menyisihkan 62 peserta lainnya pada tahap seleksi. Pada tahap seleksi, Silvi mengunggah karya videonya di Instagram serta WhatsApp sebagai syarat seleksi lomba.

Pada babak final, Silvi berkompetisi melalui Zoom Meeting dengan empat mahasiswa lainnya yang berasal dari Politeknik Negeri Semarang dan Universitas Jember. Berdasarkan keputusan para dewan juri, Silvi akhirnya berhasil meraih Juara I dengan total nilai 785, terpaut 17 poin dari Juara II yang diraih oleh Politeknik Negeri Semarang dan 107 poin dari Juara III yang diraih oleh mahasiswa Universitas Jember.

Silvi Nuryana sudah cukup lama menggeluti dunia MC. Saat dikonfirmasi, ia mempelajari bidang MC semenjak duduk di bangku ibtidaiyah. Di bangku SMA, ia mulai aktif mengikuti berbagai kegiatan dan lomba yang berkaitan dengan kegiatan protokoler ini. Mahasiswi Semester II Prodi KPI tersebut menuturkan bahwa ia mengikuti ajang ini sebagai sarana untuk latihan, evaluasi, dan memacu semangat untuk belajar. Ia juga mengungkapkan bahwa kegiatan seperti ini membuka kesempatan untuk bersilaturahim dan memperluas relasi.

Ketua Prodi KPI IAIN Kediri, Siti Amanah, mengucapkan selamat dan mengungkapkan bahwa ia turut bangga atas capaian mahasiswanya. “Saya sebagai Kaprodi KPI sangat bersyukur dan memberikan apresiasi setinggi-tingginya kepada mahasiswi kami yang bernama Silvi Nuryana. Kami selalu men_support dan memotivasi kepada mahasiswa untuk terus meningkatkan prestasinya, baik di bidang akademik maupun non akademik.” Ia juga berharap prestasi Silvi dan Devi Oktaviani Wulandari, mahasiswa KPI yang sebelumnya berhasil menyabet juara I pada Lomba Catur pada IPPBMM VIII, mampu menginspirasi mahasiswa yang lain.

Sumber: Humas IAIN Kediri

Penulis: Zuhrufi Latifah

Editor: Ropingi el-Ishaq


State Islamic Institute of Kediri Newsroom – Student of Islamic Communication and Broadcasting Major of The State Islamic Institute of Kediri, Silvi Nuryana, became the first champion on the final stage of National MC Competition in Universitas Jember at the end of June (27/06/2021). The competition was held by Protokol Student Activity Unit of Social and Politics Faculty of Universitas Jember and was held virtually on 4-27 June 2021.

Under the theme of “Build Your Confidence and be a Good Public Speaker”, the competition that was held online was joined by many participants from various universities in Indonesia. Silvi was able to go to the final after eliminated the other 62 participants on the selection stage. On the selection stage, Silvi uploaded her video on Instagram as well as on WhatsApp as requirements of the competition selection.

On the final stage, Silvi competed through Zoom Meeting with the other four students coming from Politeknik Negeri Semarang and Universitas Jember. Based on the judges’ decision, Silvi became the first champion with the total points of 785, which was 17 points away from the second champion from Politeknik Negeri Semarang and 107 points away from the third champion that was achieved by a student from Universitas Jember.

Silvi Nuryana had been quite a while studying the world of MC. As confirmed, she learned the field since she was in elementary school. In high school, she started to actively participate in various activities and competitions related to this protocol field. The student who was currently in the second semester of Islamic Communication and Broadcasting major said that she joined the competition as a way to practice, evaluate, and enhance her spirit to learn. She also stated that these kinds of activity opened up opportunities to get to know others and widen her relation. 

The Head of Islamic Communication and Broadcasting Major of the State Islamic Institute of Kediri, Siti Amanah, congratulated her and said that she was proud of her student’s achievement. “I am as the Head of Islamic Communication and Broadcasting Major is very grateful and give the highest appreciation to our student Silvi Nuryana. We always support and motivate the students to improve their achievements, either in academic or non-academic fields.” She also hoped that Silvi’s achievement as well as Devi Oktaviani Wulandari’s, the Islamic Communication and Broadcasting Major student who previously became the first champion on chess competition in IPPBMM VIII, could inspire other students.

Source: Public Relations of the State Islamic Institute of Kediri

Writer and Translator: Zuhrufi Latifah

Editor: Ropingi el-Ishaq