IAIN Kediri Newsroom – Pascasarjana IAIN Kediri mengadakan Workshop_ Akreditasi Jurnal Didaktika Religia di Aula Lantai Empat Gedung Rektorat, Kamis (01/07/2021) pagi. Melalui kegiatan tersebut diharapkan IAIN Kediri segera memiliki jurnal terindeks Scopus.
Direktur Pascasarjana IAIN Kediri Nur Ahid mengatakan, dalam pengelolaan jurnal di tingkat perguruan tinggi diperlukan keseriusan. Menurutnya, hal tersebutlah yang membedakan antara guru dan dosen.
“Oleh karenanya, mengelola jurnal ini, butuh keseriusan yang luar biasa. Kalau saya berbicara tentang, dosen dan guru itu sangat jauh beda. Kalau guru hanya sekedar mengajar, tapi kalau dosen itu tidak cukup mengajar. Harus mengajar, harus meneliti, dan mengabdi,” terang Direktur Pascasarjana IAIN Kediri saat memberi sambutan di acara workshop.
Lewat sambutannya, ia mengharapkan para pengelola jurnal di IAIN Kediri harus berkolaborasi dengan pengelola jurnal luar. “Harapan saya pengelola-pengelola jurnal IAIN Kediri jangan kayak katak dalam tempurung. Artinya apa, tidak hanya sekedar mengelola jurnal tanpa berkomunikasi dengan pengelola jurnal yang lain,” ujarnya.
Untuk memperdalam tentang pengelolaan jurnal, dihadirkan Pengurus Asosiasi Jurnal Scopus Indonesia, M. Mustakim, dan Khoirul Fathoni, selaku Assesor Akreditasi Jurnal Nasional.
Dengan tetap mematuhi protokol kesehatan, perwakilan Pengelola Jurnal IAIN Kediri mengikuti acara dengan antusias. Diharapkan para pengelola jurnal terus mengasah kemampuan dalam tata kelola jurnal dan semakin professional.
Turut hadir dan memberikan sambutan, Wakil Rektor III IAIN Kediri, Wahidul Anam menyampaikan, pengelolaan jurnal sebagai salah satu langkah strategis pengembangan institusi.
“Adanya tata kelola jurnal yang baik, apalagi memiliki atau bereputasi internasional tentu akan berimbas baik kepada institusi kita. Itu merupakan langkah strategis yang harus didukung,” kata Wakil Rektor III IAIN Kediri.
“Alhamdulillah, di IAIN Kediri dari dua puluh tiga jurnal yang ada, dua di antaranya sudah terindeks sinta dua, yaitu Didaktika Religia dan Jeels,” tambahnya.
Wakil Rektor III IAIN Kediri mengingatkan, kendala dalam menulis jurnal adalah kemauan dan kesadaran yang terkadang fluktuatif atau tidak stabil.
“Kendala atau penyakit kita dalam menulis jurnal adalah kesadaran. Jangan semangat menulis ketika ada kenaikan pangkat saja. Itu penyakit yang harus dihilangkan, dimulai dari diri sendiri. Ingat, tugas utama (karir tertinggi) dosen menjadi guru besar, salah satu caranya dengan menulis jurnal,” ucap Wakil Rektor III.
Sumber: Humas IAIN Kediri
Penulis: Andi Sebastian
Editor: Ropingi el-Ishaq
State Islamic Institute of Kediri Newsroom – Postgraduate Studies of the State Islamic Institute of Kediri held a Didaktika Religia Journal Accreditation Workshop on the Fourth Floor Rectorate Hall, on Thursday (01/07/2021) morning. It was hoped that through the event The State Islamic Institute of Kediri would soon have an international journal.
The Director of Postgraduate Studies of the State Islamic Institute of Kediri Nur Ahid said that in journal management in the level of higher education, it needed seriousness. According to him, it was what differed teachers from lecturers.
“Therefore, to manage the journal, it needs extraordinary seriousness. When I speak of teachers and lecturers, the two are highly different. Teachers only teach, but lecturers do not only teach. They have to teach, research, and dedicate,” explained The Director of Postgraduate Studies of the State Islamic Institute of Kediri when giving speech in the workshop.
In his speech, he expected that the editorial boards of the State Islamic Institute of Kediri would collaborate with editorial boards from outside institution. “I hope the editorial boards of the State Islamic Institute of Kediri would not be like a frog in a well. It means that they should not only manage the journal without communicating with other editorial boards,” he said.
To enhance the journal management, there were also Indonesia Scopus Journal Association Board, M. Mustakim and Khoirul Fathoni as National Journal Accreditation Assessor.
By following the health protocol, the representatives of 23 editorial boards of The State Islamic Institute of Kediri were expected to be more professional, by keep improving their competencies in managing the journal.
The Vice Rector III, Wahidul Anam, who also attended the meeting stated that journal management was one of strategic steps in developing the institution.
“By good journal management, what’s more if it has international reputation, it will give good feedback for our institution. It is a strategic step that we have to support,” said The Vice Rector III of the State Islamic Institute of Kediri.
“Alhamdulillah, of twenty three journals, two of them have been indexed as Sinta 2. Those are Didaktika Religia and Jeels,” added him.
The Vice Rector III of the State Islamic Institute of Kediri reminded that the challenges in writing journal were willingness and awareness that fluctuated and were unstable.
“The challenge or our ‘disease’ in writing journal is awareness. Don’t be enthusiastic to write when only we are pursuing the degree. This must be dismissed, starting from ourselves. Please remember, our main task (the highest career) of a lecturer is become a professor, one of the ways is by writing a journal,” said Vice Rector III.
Source: Public Relations of the State Islamic Institute of Kediri
Writer: Andi Sebastian
Editor: Ropingi el-Ishaq
Translator: Zuhrufi Latifah