SEMARANG – The 23rd Annual International Conference on Islamic Studies (AICIS) will be held starting today, Thursday (1/2/2024) at the Walisongo State Islamic University (UIN), Semarang City, Central Java. Chairman of the AICIS 2024 Steering Committee (SC), Prof. Mukhsin Jamil, said that at the AICIS 2024 forum, one of the panels would discuss and formulate solutions to the conflict in Gaza from various perspectives.
According to Mukhsin, the conflict between Israel and Palestine is still a focal point of global attention. “The issue of the Israel-Palestine conflict will take place on Friday (2/2/2024) with the big theme Islamic Diplomacy: Towards Peace and Equality in Israel-Palestine Conflict,” he said.
In the Israeli-Palestinian conflict which has not yet ended, efforts to achieve peace have become an important issue. Ahmad Rahmatullah, et al, through their article entitled ‘Promoting Islamic Teaching in Encouraging Philanthropy during Israel and Palestine Conflict in the Digital Era’, underscores the urgency of alleviating suffering amidst religious tensions and the spread of digital information.
Apart from that, Indonesia’s role in the Hamas-Israel conflict, especially after October 7 2023, has also attracted international attention. Khaidir Hasram, in his article ‘Assertive, Yet Powerless? tries to examine and question Indonesia’s efforts in this conflict, whether it can create assertive peace, or whether it shows the weakness of international diplomacy.
Mukhsin said that one of the discussions related to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict was to examine the economic impact. Apart from the economic aspect, the impact of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict also extends to the digital realm. This is as Wawaysadhaya will explain in his article entitled ‘Navigating Loss and Existential Anguish in Social Media’, where social media platforms function as a public arena for dealing with post-conflict existential suffering: loss, disputes and sadness.
The following are the AICIS panelists on the issue of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Friday (2/2/2024):
- Munawar Ahmad (UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta)
- Muhamad Bisri Mustofa (UIN Raden Intan Lampung)
3 Muhammad Ash-Shiddiqy (UIN Prof. K.H. Saifuddin Zuhri) - Mawar Ardiansyah (IAIN Palangka Raya).
Meanwhile, AICIS 2024 will last for 4 days, on 1-4 February 2024. Apart from the issue of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, other major issues discussed at this international conference are the Rohingya, gender, issues of solutions to the humanitarian crisis, and global peace. These meeting forums of hundreds of international academicians will also be broadcast live via the Indonesian Ministry of Religion’s YouTube channel. (*)
Contact Person:
Spokesperson for the Indonesian Ministry of Religious Affairs
Anna Hasbie (08119339697)