IAIN Kediri Newsroom – Fina Maulidah Kamilah, Mahasiswi IAIN Kediri berhasil menorehkan prestasi di ajang IPPBMM (Invitasi Pekan Pengembangan Bakat dan Minat Mahasiswa) ke VIII di UIN Sunan Kalijaga, Yogyakarta.
Tampil pada cabang MQK (Musabaqah Qiroatul Kutub), Mahasiswi Fakultas Tarbiyah Program Studi PBA (Pendidikan Bahasa Arab) semester akhir IAIN Kediri, meraih Juara Dua dan berhak mendapatkan medali perak setelah sebelumnya diumumkan via online oleh Panitia IPPBMM, pada Selasa (22/06/2021).
Dengan mematuhi protokol kesehatan ketat, penyelenggaraan IPPBMM ke VIII berlangsung mulai Senin (21/06/2021) sampai Jumat (25/06/2021), dengan 30 cabang perlombaan, baik daring (dalam jaringan) maupun luring (luar jaringan). Sebelumnya, kegiatan dibuka secara online, oleh Direktur Jenderal Pendidikan Islam, Muhammad Ali Ramdhani, mewakili Menteri Agama RI, Yaqut Cholil Qoumas.
IPPBMM adalah event yang digelar setiap dua tahun sekali oleh Kementerian Agama RI. Namun, pada tahun 2020 harus ditunda karena adanya pandemi covid-19. Kali ini, setidaknya ada 18 PTKIN (Perguruan Tinggi Keagamaan Islam Negeri) se-Jawa dan Madura yang mengikuti ajang IPPBMM ke VIII tahun ini.
Rektor IAIN Kediri, Nur Chamid, memberikan ucapan selamat dan berkomitmen memberikan apresiasi terhadap segala prestasi yang telah diraih di IPPBMM ke VIII di UIN Sunan Kalijaga.
“Tentu kita patut berbangga atas segala prestasi yang telah didapat, apalagi membawa nama institusi kita, IAIN Kediri. Nanti tentu ada apresiasi untuk hal tersebut,” ujarnya saat di konfirmasi via online Rabu (23/06/2021) siang.
Tak lupa, Rektor berpesan untuk tetap optimis dan menjujung tinggi sportivitas di setiap pertandingan. “Ini (IPPBMM ke VIII) juga merupakan ajang silahturahmi bagi PTKIN, kita juga harus menjaga hubungan baik dan tetap menjaga nama baik IAIN Kediri. Melalui ajang ini Mahasiswa PTKIN juga dituntut tidak mahir dalam bidang akademis saja, melainkan olahraga, seni, ilmiah ataupun riset,” tambah Nur Chamid.
Turut hadir para Rektor, beserta Wakil Rektor III dari se-Jawa dan Madura, Direktur Pendidikan Tinggi Keagamaan Islam, Suyitno, Ketua Forum Pimpinan PTKIN se-Indonesia, Babun Suharto, serta Sekretaris Jenderal Kementerian Agama, Nizar Ali.
Sumber: Humas IAIN Kediri
Penulis: Andi Sebastian
Editor: Ropingi el Ishaq
State Islamic Institute of Kediri Newsroom – Fina Maulidah Kamilah, the student of the State Islamic Institute of Kediri succeeded in getting an achievement in The Invitation of Student Development of Talent and Interest Week (Invitasi Pekan Pengembangan Bakat dan Minat Mahasiswa, hence IPPBMM) VIII at UIN Sunan Kalijaga, Yogyakarta.
Joining the Musabaqah Qiroatul Kutub (MQK), the student of Arabic Education Major of Faculty of Tarbiyah who is currently at the last semester of her study achieved the second winner and got the rights to gain silver medal after previously announced online by the committee of IPPBMM on Tuesday (22/06/2021).
By following a strict health protocol, the IPPBMM event started from Monday (21/06/2021) to Friday (25/06/2021) with 30 disciplines, both online and offline. Previously, the event was opened online by the General Director of Islamic Education, Muhammad Ali Ramdhani, representing the Minister of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, Yaqut Cholil Qoumas.
IPPBMM was a biennial event held by the Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia. However, in 2020 it must be delayed since Covid-19 pandemic. This time, at least there were 18 State Islamic Higher Education from Java and Madura that joined IPPBMM VIII this year.
The Rector of the State Islamic Institute of Kediri, Nur Chamid, congratulated them and committed to give appreciation for all achievements gained in IPPBMM VIII at UIN Sunan Kalijaga.
“Surely we have to be proud of all the achievements gained, especially it brings the name of our institution, the State Islamic Institute of Kediri. Of course there will be appreciation for that,” he said when being confirmed online on Wednesday (23/06/2021) afternoon.
In addition, the Rector hoped to stay optimistic and uphold sportsmanship in each games. “This (IPPBMM VIII) is an event to keep the relationship for State Islamic Higher Education, so we have to keep good relationship and uphold the good name of the State Islamic Institute of Kediri. Through this event, the students of State Islamic Higher Education were not only expected to excel in academic fields, but also in sports, arts, scientific fields, and research,” added Nur Chamid.
Those who also attended were the Rectors as well as Vice Rectors III from all around Java and Madura, The Director of Islamic Higher Education, Suyitno, The Head of Islamic Higher Education Leader Forum of Indonesia, Babun Suharto, as well as the General Secretary of Ministry of Religious Affairs, Nizar Ali.
Source: Public Relation of State Islamic Institute of Kediri
Writer: Andi Sebastian
Editor: Ropingi el Ishaq
Translator: Zuhrufi Latifah