IAIN Kediri Newsroom – BEM Kediri Raya bersama Polres Kediri Kota mengadakan acara bakti social untuk mahasiswa rantau yang berada di area Kota Kediri. Acara ini dilaksanakan di Student Center IAIN Kediri pada Senin (16/08/2021) pagi dan dihadiri oleh jajaran pimpinan Polres Kota Kediri, pimpinan IAIN Kediri, sejumlah mahasiswa rantau di area IAIN Kediri, serta perwakilan BEM Kediri Raya.
Agenda bakti sosial ini merupakan pilot project dari Jawa Timur sebagai percontohan untuk saling peduli di tengah pandemic. Turut hadir juga sejumlah mahasiswa rantau terdampak pandemi dari beberapa kampus di wilayah Kediri Raya. Bantuan berupa beras sebanyak 5 kilogram diserahkan secara langsung oleh Kapolres Kota Kediri, AKBP Wahyudi, beserta jajarannya. AKBP Wahyudi berharap bahwa kolaborasi antara Kapolres Kota Kediri dengan Aliansi Mahasiswa dapat menjadi penghubung antara pemerintah dengan masyarakat.
“Ini adalah bentuk gerakan kepedulian terhadap mahasiswa rantau, sebagai bentuk peduli kepada saudara, adik-adik, generasi penerus bangsa. Inilah bentuk kolaborasi kami Polri kepada adik-adik yang merupakan penyumbang ide. Saya berharap adik-adik bisa menjadi penyumbang ide-ide di masa pandemi,” ungkap AKBP Wahyudi.
“Saya juga sangat berterima kasih karena mahasiswa sangat membantu dalam mencetuskan ide-ide dalam perang melawan Covid-19. Kita tidak bisa sendiri melawan Covid-19. Kita butuh orang lain untuk menanggulangi pandemi ini,” lanjut AKBP Wahyudi menyampaikan apresiasi dan harapannya terhadap mahasiswa.
Pada kesempatan tersebut, Rektor IAIN Kediri juga turut mengapresiasi pelaksanaan acara ini. Beliau berharap kegiatan bakti sosial ini tepat sasaran, bermanfaat, dan akuntabel. “Saya ucapkan terima kasih atas kehadiran mahasiswa. Karena selain berpikir untuk diri sendiri untuk maju, juga berpikir untuk orang lain. Saya prihatin sekaligus bangga atas apa yang kita inisiasi. Mudah-mudahan bantuan ini tepat sasaran, terpantau akuntabel, dan efektif sesuai sasaran,” ungkap Rektor IAIN Kediri, Nur Chamid.
Sumber: Humas IAIN Kediri
Penulis: Zuhrufi Latifah
Editor: Ropingi el-Ishaq
State Islamic Institute of Kediri Newsroom – Student Executive Board of Kediri Raya with the Kediri City Police held a social service event for students affected by pandemic in the Kediri City area. This event was held at the Student Center of State Islamic Institute of Kediri on Monday (16/08/2021) morning and was attended by Kediri City Police Chiefs, the leaders of State Islamic Institute of Kediri, a number of students affected by pandemic in Kediri area, as well as representatives of the Student Executive Board of Kediri Raya.
This was a pilot project from East Java as a model to take care for each other in the midst of a pandemic. A number of affected students from several campuses in Kediri Raya area also attended the event. Five kilograms of rice was directly handed over by the Kediri City Police Chief, AKBP Wahyudi, and his staffs as a form of help to the students. AKBP Wahyudi hoped that the collaboration between the Kediri City Police Chief and the Student Alliance can be a liaison between the government and the community.
“This is a form of concern for the affected students, as a form of caring for our brothers and sisters, the next generation of the nation. This is the form of our collaboration between the Police and the youth who are the contributors to new ideas. I hope that the youth can contribute creative ideas during the pandemic,” said AKBP Wahyudi.
“I am also very grateful because the students are very helpful in sparking ideas in the fight against Covid-19. We cannot fight Covid-19 alone. We need other people to deal with this pandemic,” continued AKBP Wahyudi expressing his appreciation and hope for the students.
On this occasion, the Rector of the State Islamic Institute of Kediri also appreciated the event. He hoped that this social service activity was right on target, useful, and accountable. “I thank the students for attending the event. Because in addition to thinking for their own future, they also think for others. I am both concerned and proud of what we are initiating. Hopefully this help is right on target, monitored, accountable, and effective on target,” said the Rector of State Islamic Institute of Kediri, Nur Chamid.
Source: Public Relations of State Islamic Institute of Kediri
Author and translator: Zuhrufi Latifah
Editor (Bahasa Indonesia version): Ropingi el-Ishaq