IAIN Kediri Newsroom – International Office and Partnership (IOP) IAIN Kediri melakukan kunjungan ke Center for Developing Cooperation and International Affairs (CDCIA) UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta. Kunjungan ini dalam rangka memperkuat kerjasama dan kolaborasi menuju Word Class University.
Wakil Rektor III IAIN Kediri, Wahidul Anam, mengatakan sejak transformasi dari STAIN ke IAIN Kediri pada 2018, pihaknya berupaya melakukan akselarasi di berbagai aspek. Salah satunya di bidang kerjasama dalam dan luar negeri. Setelah 2 tahun berselang, kemudian dibentuk lembaga baru yang diberi nama International Office and Partnership (IOP).
“Tentu sebagai lembaga baru, kami perlu melakukan penataan baik dari sisi alur kerja, pengelolaan dan upaya mengoptimalkan sumber daya yang ada. Maka dalam hal ini, IOP dan CDCIA bisa saling berkolaborasi untuk saling memperkuat,” jelasnya, Senin (22/3) diwawancarai usai acara.
Ia menambahkan kolaborasi kongkret dapat diwujudkan dalam bentuk program seperti lokakarya, seminar, workshop, konferensi dan pertemuan ilmiah lainnya. “Penerbitan temuan-temuan riset, penelitian dosen dan mahasiswa, serta pertukaran staf adalah beberapa di antara yang akan kita lakukan. Termasuk di dalamnya promosi pada mahasiswa asing,” tuturnya.
Direktur IOP IAIN Kediri, Fathor Rasyid, menambahkan pihaknya sudah mulai melakukan penataan dokumen kerjasama dari seluruh fakultas dan prodi. Ke depan, seluruh dokumen tersebut akan didigilisasi dan diupload di website IAIN Kediri agar semua yang berkepentingan dapat mengakses dengan mudah.
Wakil Rektor III UIN Sunan Kalijaga, Abdul Rozaki, menuturkan UIN Sunan Kalijaga merasa terhormat dan bangga mendapat kunjungan dan diskusi banyak hal terkait kerjasama luar negeri. Secara khusus, ia mengapresiasi pembentukan IOP sebagai pioner kebangkitan kerjasama luar negeri kampus IAIN Kediri.
Selain melakukan kunjungan, IOP IAIN Kediri juga melakukan penandatanganan MoU untuk memperkuat pelaksanaan Tridharma Perguruan Tinggi. Kedatangan IOP IAIN Kediri disambut dan diterima langsung oleh Warek III UIN Sunan Kalijaga didampingi oleh Kepala Biro Administrasi Akademik dan Kemahasiswaan, Mamat Rahmatullah, Kabag Kerjasama, RTM Maharani, Ketua CDCIA, Ambar Sari Dewi, dan para staf lainnya.
Sumber: Humas IAIN Kediri
Penulis : Lukman Hakim
Editor: Ropingi el Ishaq
State Islamic Institute of Kediri Newsroom – International Office and Partnership (IOP) of State Islamic Institute of Kediri visited the Center for Developing Cooperation and International Affairs (CDCIA) of the State Islamic University of Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta. The visit was in the course of strengthening the cooperation and collaboration towards Word Class University.
The Vice-Rector III of the State Islamic Institute of Kediri, Wahidul Anam, stated that since the transformation from State Islamic College to State Islamic Institute of Kediri in 2018, the institution had been trying to accelerate in various aspects, one of which is in the field of cooperation in and out of the country. Two years passed by, a new department was established namely International Office and Partnership (IOP).
“Surely as a new department, we need to do some arrangements either in terms of workflow side, management, and efforts to optimize the available resources. Therefore, IOP and CDCIA can collaborate to strengthen each other,” told him, on Monday (22/3) after being interviewed after the visit.
He added that concrete collaboration could be established in the form of some programs such as workshops, seminars, conferences, and other scientific meetings. “The publication of research findings, lecturers and students’ research, as well as staff exchange, are some that we would do, including promotion to foreign students,” he said.
The director of IOP of State Islamic Institute of Kediri, Fathor Rasyid, added that the department had started to arrange cooperation documents from all faculties and majors. In the near future, all of the documents would be digitalized and uploaded to the website of the State Islamic Institute of Kediri so all the stakeholders could access them easily.
The Vice-Rector III of the State Islamic University of Sunan Kalijaga, Abdul Rozaki, stated that the State Islamic University of Sunan Kalijaga was honored and proud to get visitation and discussed many things related to abroad cooperation. In particular, he appreciated the establishment of IOP as a pioneer of abroad cooperation of the State Islamic Institute of Kediri.
In addition to the visitation, IOP of the State Islamic Institute of Kediri also signed an MoU to strengthen the implementation of the Tridharma of Higher Education. The presence of IOP of the State Islamic Institute of Kediri was welcomed and directly accepted by the Vice-Rector III of the State Islamic University of Sunan Kalijaga accompanied by the Head of Administration, Academic, and Student Affairs Bureau, Mamat Rahmatullah, Head of Cooperation Section, RTM Maharani, The Head of CDCIA, Ambar Sari Dewi, and other staffs.
Source: Public Relation of State Islamic Institute of Kediri
Writer: Lukman Hakim
Editor: Ropingi el Ishaq