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IAIN Kediri Newsroom – Program Studi Komunikasi dan Penyiaran Islam (KPI) IAIN Kediri menggelar Webinar bertajuk, Prostitusi Online: Dinamika dan Kebijakan Komunikasi, Selasa (15/06/2021) siang. Diadakan live secara daring, setidaknya ada sekitar seribu orang pendaftar dari dalam maupun luar negeri. 

Menjadi narasumber, Penulis Buku Jakarta Undercover Moammar Emka mengatakan, di era perkembangan digital seperti sekarang sangatlah mudah dalam melakukan transaksi jual beli. Kemudahan tersebut menurut Moammar, termasuk di dalamnya adalah, menyediakan jasa prostitusi secara online.

“Era digital sekarang semakin luas, siapapun sekarang ini bisa menjual apa saja. Termasuk dirinya sendiri. Seseorang jika memiliki media sosial dapat buka tarif sedemikian rupa. Media sosial, membuka jalan prostitusi online yang dulu mungkin masih perlu panti pijat (sebagai kedok),” jelas Moammar.

“Prostitusi online, hanya cara bertransaksi ujung-ujungnya harus offline juga karena butuh tempat. Tapi saat ini prostitusi telah memiliki kedok dan beragam variasi, tak hanya sekedar hubungan intim, sekarang juga bisa lewat video call,” tambahnya.

Ellys Lestari, Dosen Institut Perguruan Tinggi Ilmu Al Qur’an (PTIQ) Jakarta yang juga menjadi narasumber menjelaskan, prostitusi online merupakan bisnis kolektif yang memiliki banyak kaitan dengan bisnis lain. Ia menerangkan, untuk memutusnya perlu adanya kerjasama antar semua lapisan masyarakat, serta diperlukan perubahan cara pandang akan prostitusi.

“Ini (prostitusi online) merupakan bisnis kolektif, banyak yang terlibat, di dalamnya ada, miras, hotel, keamanan, ataupun iklan. Harus ada peran aktif dari berbagai pihak untuk memutuskan rantai ini, termasuk masyarakat,” terang Ellys.

Tentang regulasi Ellys menilai sudah cukup baik. Akan tetapi ia menyayangkan praktek serta eksekusinya. “Kebijakan sudah bagus, tapi di lapangan sering setengah hati. Pemberantasan juga harus ke pengguna, aturan-aturan prostitusi harus tuntas. Dalam hukum, agama, norma masyakarat sudah ada kok. Tinggal Man Behind The Gun-nya,” ujarnya.

Dimoderatori Ifa Yunika Jurnalis Kompas TV Kediri, pemantik diskusi Dinul Wahid memapaparkan, prostitusi online telah memiliki beragam penyamaran. Kemudian, adanya media sosial ikut memberikan ruang yang lebih luas. Ia juga membagikan pengalamanya dalam mengerjakan penelitian Prostitusi Online di Kota Kediri. 

Kegiatan webinar merupakan rentetan kegiatan dari FESTIVAL KOMUNIKASI 20″21. Bertemakan “Synchronize: We Still Connected”, acara tahunan milik prodi KPI IAIN Kediri, juga telah mengadakan Opening Ceremony yang dibuka langsung oleh Dekan Fakultas Ushuluddin dan Dakwah (FUDA) IAIN Kediri, Moh. Asror Yusuf, Selasa (15/06/2021) pagi.

Sumber: HUMAS IAIN Kediri

Penulis : Andi Sebastian

Editor  : Ropingi el Ishaq


IAIN Kediri Newsroom – The Islamic Communication and Broadcasting Major of the State Islamic Institute of Kediri held a webinar entitled “Online Prostitution: Dynamics and Communication Policy, on Tuesday (15/06/2021) afternoon. Streaming online, at least there were about a thousand registrants either from or outside Indonesia.

As the speaker, the writer of Jakarta Undercover Moammar Emka said that in the current digital development era it was easy to do a purchase transaction. The convenience, according to Moammar, includes providing an online prostitution service.

“The current digital era gets wider, anyone at the moment could sell anything, including himself or herself. Anyone having a social media account could open the rates as such. The social media open a way for online prostitution that formerly needs a massage parlor (as a cover),” explained Moammar.

“Online prostitution is only a way to do a transaction but in the end, they eventually need to do it offline as they need a place. However, at the moment the prostitution has various covers and kinds, not only sexual intercourse, but also through video call,” added him.

Ellys Lestari, the lecturer of the Institute of Al-Quran Study Higher Education Jakarta who was also the speaker explained that online prostitution was a collective business that had many connections with other businesses. She added that to cut it it needs cooperation among all social levels and there needs to be a change in the view of prostitution.

“This (online prostitution) is a collective business, many are involved, inside are liquor, hotel, security, or advertisement. There needs to be an active role from various parties to cut the chain, including the society,” expressed Ellys.

In terms of regulation, Ellys thought it was good enough. However, she regretted the practice and the execution. “The policy is good, but the fact on the ground is frequently done in half-hearted. The eradication must be directed to the user, the prostitution regulations must complete. It is already there in the law, religion, and society’s norms. Now is the time for the man behind the gun,” she said.

Moderated by Ifa Yunika the journalist of Kompas TV Kediri, the discussion facilitator Dinul Wahid elaborated that online prostitution has various covers. In addition, the existence of social media also gives a wider room. He also shared his experience in doing research on online prostitution in Kediri City.

The webinar was a sequential event from the COMMUNICATION FESTIVAL 20”21. Under the theme of “Synchronize: We Still Connected”, the yearly event of the Islamic Communication and Broadcasting Major of the State Islamic Institute of Kediri also held an opening ceremony that was directly opened by the Dean of Faculty of Usul al-Din and Da’wa of the State Islamic Institute of Kediri, Moh. Asror Yusuf, on Tuesday (15/06/2021) morning.

Source: Public Relation of State Islamic Institute of Kediri

Writer: Andi Sebastian

Editor: Ropingi el Ishaq

Translator: Zuhrufi Latifah